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Points to be paid attention to during the installation of Shandong galvanized sheet air duct
Shandong galvanized sheet air duct has many advantages, such as smooth internal and external walls, small resistance of air duct, no secondary noise during air supply and exhaust, energy consumption reduction, operation cost saving, etc., so it has been unanimously recognized by the majority of users. Today, we will introduce some problems that should be paid attention to in the installation process of Shandong galvanized sheet air duct. Let's have a specific understanding Next, as follows:
注意一、镀锌板风管水平安装[2] ,直径或长边尺寸小于等于400mm,间距不应***于4m;***于 400mm,不应***于3m。镀锌板风管的支、吊架间距可分别延长至5m 和3.75m;对于薄钢板法兰的镀锌板风管,其支、吊架间距不应***于3m。
Note 1. The galvanized sheet air duct shall be installed horizontally [2], the diameter or long side size shall be less than or equal to 400mm, and the spacing shall not be greater than 4m; if it is greater than 400mm, it shall not be greater than 3m. The spacing between the supports and hangers of the galvanized sheet air duct can be extended to 5M and 3.75m respectively; for the galvanized sheet air duct with sheet steel flange, the spacing between the supports and hangers shall not be more than 3m.
Shandong galvanized air duct
注意二、镀锌板风管垂直安装,间距不应***于4m,单根直管至少应有2 个固定点。
Note II. The galvanized sheet air duct shall be installed vertically with a spacing of no more than 4m. A single straight pipe shall have at least 2 fixing points.
注意三、镀锌板风管支、吊架宜按***标图集与规范选用强度和刚度相适应的形式和规格。对于直径或边长***于2500mm 的超宽、超重等***殊镀锌板风管的支、吊架应按设计规定。
Note 3. The support and hanger of galvanized sheet air duct should select the form and specification suitable for the strength and rigidity according to the national standard atlas and specifications. For the support and hanger of special galvanized sheet air duct with diameter or side length greater than 2500mm, the design requirements shall be followed.
Note IV. the support and hanger should not be set at the air outlet, valve, inspection door and automatic control mechanism, and the distance from the air outlet or plug-in pipe should not be less than 200mm.
The above is about the points that should be paid attention to during the installation of Shandong galvanized sheet air duct. If you need to know more about galvanized air duct, please pay attention to the next article update of the editor.